# | Name of Project | Fund (BTCL own fund/ ADP)
(ADP-Annual Development Program of Government of Bangladesh) |
Project Implementation Period & Cost of the Project (In Lac Taka) | Major Component (Scope of the Project) |
1 | Telecommunication Network Development Project (TNDP) Contact: AGM, TNDP Phone: 9102712 | ADP | Period : 1 Jul 2009-30 Jun 2013 Extended to: 30 June 2015 Cost : GOB : 11350.72 P.A : 50935.53 Total : 62286.25 | 1. NGN (IMS) based Telecommunication System with IN & Access Gateway 2. International Gateway Exchange (IGW) 3. National Transmission Backbone OFC Network 1400 km, SDH M/W link 4. Access Facilities-FTTX 5. Wireless Access-WLL 6. ADSL & DSLAM 7. 24/7 National Operation Center (NoC) |
2 | Optical Fibre Cable Network development in 1000 Union Parishad (1006 Union Parishad) Contact: Project Director, OFCNDP in 1000 UP Phone: 9320258Project Summary (12Nov2014) | ADP | Period : 1 Jan 2012-30 Jun 2014 Extended to 30 Jun 2016 Local Currency : 49088.29 Revised: 56824.02 Foreign Currency : 22818.15 Revised: 15073.07 Total Cost : 71906.44 Revised: 71807.09 (GoB Fund, Equity) | 1. Transmission equipment : STM16 & STM1 Mux 2. a) OFC Network from Upzilla to Union (11060 km) b) OFC Network Accessories 3. Balancing equipment (M/W, SDH Link, Sever ports etc.) |
3 | Optical Fiber Cable Network development at Upzilla level (290 Upazilla) | ADP | Period : 1 Jan 2013-31 Dec 2015 Extended to 30 Jun 2016 Local Currency : 40470.48Foreign Currency :9457.66 Total Cost : 49928.14 | 1. Transmission equipment : STM-64 & STM16 Mux 2. a) OFC Network from Upzilla to District (48 core): 8220 km b) OFC Network Accessories |
4 | Installation of Wireless Broadband network for Digital Bangladesh (4G, LTE) | ADP | Period : 01 May 2014-30 Jun 2017 Foreign Currency :56740.57 Local Currency : 18191.03 Total Cost : 74931.60 | 1. Core Network MME 2. eNode-B BTS at all metropolitn cities, District HQ, Upzilla and growth centers 3. NMS & IN 4. CPE about 10,000 set 5. Transmission equipment to connect all BTS with ASN 6. Optical fiber-300 km |
5 | Installation of NGN (IMS) based Telecommunication Network for Digital Bangladesh (NTN) | ADP | Period : 01 Mar 2014-30 Jun 2017 Foreign Currency :158666.98 Local Currency : 54024.00 Total Cost : 212690.98 | 1. Construction of NGN (IMS) Platforms 2. OFC Network-3500 km 3. Data Center 4. Broadband –FTTX 5. ADSL (100,000 subscriber) 6. Video on Demand, IP TV, Video conference. |
6 | Optical Fibre Cable Network development in 1000 Union Parishad of Durgam (remote) area | ADP | Period : 4 years Local Currency : 89880.12 Foreign Currency : 18151.91 Total Cost : 108031.16 (GoB Fund, Equity) | 1. Transmission equipment : STM16 & STM1 Mux 2. a) OFC Network from Upzilla to Union :11500 km b) OFC Network Accessories |
7 | ILDTS Policy-2007 Compliance Project.Project Completed | BTCL | Period : 01 Apr 2009-30 Sep 2013 Extended to: 30 Apr 2014 Total Cost : 10744.00 | 1. Installation of IGW with NGN facility 2. Installation of ICX at Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna & Bogra 3. Upgrading BTCL’s existing IIG 4. Central Billing System 5. Computerized Accounting System |
8 | Replacement of old Digital Telephone System of Dhaka city (171 KL) | BTCL | Period : 1 Sep 2009-30 Jun 2013 Extended to 30 June 2014 Extended to 30 Sep 2014Total Cost : 24806.00 | 1. NGN based Switching & MGW, MGC, Access gateway 2. PSDN, AAA, NMS 3. FTTX 4. XDSL 5. Optical Fiber 450 km. |
9 | Telecom Tower Building at CTS Compound of BTCL at Tejgaon, Dhaka. | BTCL | Period : 4 Years Total Cost: 36800.00 | Number of Floor 17 fl (3 UGE+3 Podium +IIF) Total Floor area: 13,31,125 sq. ft. |
10 | Establishment of Telecommunication and ICT Institute at Gazipur (Phase-1) | BTCL | Period : 2 Years Local Currency : 1566.64 Foreign Currency : 731.85 Total Cost : 2298.49 | To establish a prestigious Academic Institute for studies in the fields of Science, Engineering and Management for Telecommunication and ICT professionals at degree & post graduate levels. |
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